Carnival Week
The 2024 programme is available to view HERE
During the parade, on Carnival Day itself, there is a bucket collection (authorised buckets are clearly marked). This money is divided, through grants, among local charities and organisations at our AGM held in October.
CARNIVAL DAY – For more details and how to enter the parade on Carnival Day – CLICK HERE
Dressing up is 100% encouraged – in fact the more outrageous and flamboyant the better.
Dog Show Classes 2024:
Wednesday 7th August – 5pm – Buttlands
- Puppy up to 6 months
- 7months – 24 months
- 2 – 6 years
- 7 years +
- Best trick
- Best rescue dog
- Fancy dress
- Best in show
We have themes running throughout the week so check the programme of events for more information.
Will be available to purchase throughout the week at our live music events on the Buttlands and at Fete Day and Carnival Day. All proceeds from the sales goes directly towards funding the event.
Traditionally Wells Carnival Royalty comprises a King and/or Queen, two senior attendants and 4 junior attendants.
Junior attendants are selected from pupils in year 2 at the Wells Primary & Nursery School.
Information on how to apply to be King, Queen or a senior attendant will be available in March/April – applicants should either live, work or study in Wells or the surrounding area. Carnival Queen/King applicants must be aged 17 + and Senior Attendants aged 12-16
Carnival Photography
Our carnival photographer is David from SmithGelder Photography. Please visit their website to view and order copies: https://smithgelderphotography.pixieset.com/wellscarnival2024/